How Thick Should Acoustic Underlay Be for Maximum Noise Reduction?

Thickness is an important factor when it comes to acoustic underlay. The optimal thickness for this type of floor is 5 mm, which is the thickest laminate floor available. High-quality foam material is ideal for soundproofing.

How Thick Should Acoustic Underlay Be for Maximum Noise Reduction?

Thickness is an important factor when it comes to acoustic underlay. The optimal thickness for this type of floor is 5 mm, which is the thickest laminate floor available. High-quality foam material is ideal for soundproofing, and the gold EPE foam base with a 3 mm thickness offers slightly better acoustic protection than the silver option. This is known as the “level 2” version of the non-acoustic base layer.

ImpactoMat 5 is a cost-effective, ultra-thin system that helps reduce unwanted impact noise on concrete floors and is commonly used in multi-level concrete buildings. For acoustic walls, slabs should be at least 50 mm thick for optimal sound insulation. It's important to remember that doubling the thicknesses will not double the level of soundproofing. When installing an acoustic base, it's important to consider the type of floor and the final finishes of the floor.

In some cases, it's possible to glue the base layer to the subfloor before gluing the nose, tread and riser of the ladder to the base. The soundproof floor subfloor is environmentally friendly and is a high-performance acoustic material. To achieve the best soundproofing, several layers of different thicknesses and densities should be used. Carpets should not be placed on soft, padded bases as this increases the chance of them cracking and breaking.

Marvel's SPC hybrid floor has a 6-star acoustic base pre-installed and can be installed almost anywhere without needing an additional base layer. The soundproof acoustic base is a reinforced rubber mat with an open cell structure that improves its soundproofing properties.

Cyril Price
Cyril Price

Proud bacon scholar. Proud reader. Hardcore social media trailblazer. Professional travel expert. Freelance pop culture geek.